Sunday, February 28, 2016

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma has been the best inspiration of my life. Here are his recent inspirational videos and articles.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Andrew Kramer Keynote

Here's another inspiration for you guys. Watch how Visual Effects Artist become a great artist and how he built company. Don't miss!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fighting for your Passion - Devin Graham

In this Inspiration, i will share you a very inspiring video of Devin Graham

Going after the unattainable - Allan McKay

We always see and tend to follow highly successful people in the world. But one thing we always not see is that they all do it with passion. And it doesn't come very easy. It all takes a deep amount of dedication and ethics to reach the goal. 

In this post, I like to share a link to you where award-winning Visual Effects artist writes about his early struggle as an artist where he put up a dream in a small city in Australia to reach and work in Hollywood visual effects. He's now called the Autodesk expert artist. Click the link below to visit his site and read the article.

Going after the Unattainable